A Blessing in Disguise - Renovations During a Pandemic

It has now been two months since we closed our doors due to COVID-19. As a family-owned business who has been open for just two years, it has been a very scary time. There is no guarantee of what the future brings for many small businesses. When will things return to normal? When can we safely open our doors for business again? Many questions and very few answers. But there is one thing we here at The Hub can guarantee to our community – throughout this pandemic we are doing all we can to make sure we welcome our families back to an even better family entertainment facility!

Closing our doors in March has allowed us to make some huge improvements to the facility that just would not have been possible to make during normal business hours. One of the most exciting improvements we are working on right now, is the complete renovation to the entrance of the facility! First, we knocked down those double doors leaving a much more spacious entrance area. Then, we expanded our front desk so it is more than double the size! This will help us provide you with better and faster service - whether you are checking in, ordering some pizza, or purchasing some swag! 

We have also taken this time to reinvent ourselves a little, by creating a new logo for the trampoline park! What do you think?? You will also find our new graffiti-style look plastered on the front of our front desk area. We do have a few other renovations and surprises in the works… but we just can’t quite share those yet! 

COVID-19 have forever affected us all. At The Hub we have used this time to try and better our facility, and ultimately better our community. So whether you are a business owner, an employee unable to work, a parent attempting to homeschool, or a student unable to attend your own high school graduation – we hope you too find some blessing in disguise that has come from this pandemic. We will get through this together!


Behind Every Small Business is Family


International Women's Day 2020 - Proud to be Owned and Managed by All Women